Cloud Kitchen

Operating system for cloud kitchens.

Integrated delivery management platform, enabling high-volume cloud kitchens and delivery-only venues to streamline their operations, from order acceptance to last-mile drop off.



Streamlining delivery operations for specialised high-volume delivery venues.

Heavy-duty technology built for demanding multi-brand cloud kitchens and delivery-only businesses, covering everything you need to automate operations and successfully scale.

Delivery Hub

Powerful order monitor aggregating orders from all delivery platforms to a central delivery hub, allowing for timely processing without the need for multiple tablets.

Menu Engineering

Benchmark prices, run promotions, schedule specials and build sales optimised menus – all from a single web-based dashboard connected to your delivery channels.

Optimised Last-Mile

Your channels, your rules. Tap on-demand delivery networks and get your direct or marketplace orders delivered, based on the rules and parameters you set.


Customer Success Stories

Reviews from hundreds of satisfied SMB restaurants and retailer customers.

Ready to get started?

Get in touch with us to discuss the particular details of your organization and set up a free guided demo to see Bitebell in action.